The park was formed as a green area on the new Vygurovshchina-Troyeshchina residential area in the mid-1990s and was officially opened in 1997, but it was planned to its modern form only after 2004. Today the park has properly laid out alleys, the number of trees is about 800, 2000 bushes, and the area of flower beds is 3000 square meters. In 2012-2013, the park was reconstructed.
In the park there is the central clinic of the Desnyansky district, the sanitary-epidemiological station of the Desnyansky district, children’s art school No. 7 / Kiev Municipal Ukrainian Dance Academy named after Serge Lifar, a summer theater, a playground for playing chess, checkers, table tennis, children’s and sports grounds and various children attractions. In 2009, a memorial sign was erected here in honor of the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, and in 2010 a sundial appeared.