On May 28, 1988, the Kiev theater “Wheel” gave its first performance. Headed by ideological inspirer Irina Klishchevskaya, the team received its own premises on Andreevsky Spusk. In the 19th century, a Podolsk jeweler lived in this house, and in the 20th century there were Soviet communal apartments. All theater workers – both service workers and actors – took part in the transformation of a residential building into a theater. Today, the Wheel Theater is an integral part of the cultural life of Kyiv, a favorite vacation spot not only for Kiev residents, but also for numerous guests of the capital. The theater’s repertoire includes 26 productions. Among them are both classical Ukrainian (“Chantrapa” by P. Saksagansky) and world dramaturgy (“The Invisible Lady” by P. Calderon, “A Month in the Village” by I. Turgenev), and works of modern writers (“Emma” by Y. Stelmakh based on the novel G. Flaubert, “Portrait of a Planet” by F. Dürrenmatt, “OFF Border” by K. Iliev, “Terra incognita” by G. James), folklore and ethnographic (“Evenings” by N. Zhilinskaya and I. Klischevskaya, “In Kiev, on Podol” …”), avant-garde (“Caspar” and “Scandal with the Public” by P. Handke, “Mozart’s Women” by F. Mitterer) and traditional performances (“Playing the Harpsichord” by J. Stelmakh, “Azalea” by I. Zhamiak, “Miriam” O.Yuryeva). The theater presents almost all known genres: drama, comedy, detective, melodrama, farce, one-man show, tragicomedy.
There are 2 stage areas in the “Wheel” theater. The main one, with 70 seats, is located on the second floor of the theater. Such intimacy stuns those who find themselves in the theater for the first time, since the actors are at arm’s length and the audience becomes witnesses to the intimate processes that take place on stage. The second stage in the “Wheel” is considered to be the theater cafe. On the ground floor, in a homely atmosphere, performances take place that make the audience feel like direct participants in the performance (“The Passion of the House of Monsieur G.-P.” by O. Pchilka, “To Love, to Burn and to Be Like Before…” by J. Beranger) . Over the almost twenty-year history of its existence, the theater has taken part in a large number of festivals and projects, visiting different countries of the world: England, USA, Romania, France, Poland, Albania, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Macedonia and many others.
Where is the Kiev Academic Theater “Wheel” located?
Andreevsky Descent, 8
(044) 425-04-22, 425-05-27