Classic artistic alternative theater

KHAT is a unique theater; there is nothing like it in Ukraine today. The theater is called a classical art theater because its productions are based on the best classical and artistic traditions for which our theater school has become famous throughout the world, and which in many theaters today, unfortunately, are forgotten. It is alternative because its maximum impact is on the verge of the impossible, it is an alternative to cheap commercial productions. It works like a creative workshop. KHAT is a theater that will go down in the history of theatrical art.

The theater’s birthday is considered to be March 13, 2011. The first theatrical project “K” took place in actor’s house. Classical artistic alternative theater is a voluntary association of actors from different Kiev theaters, created by an actor of the National Academic Russian Drama Theater named after Lesya Ukrainka, director and acting teacher, Honored Artist of Ukraine Viktor Koshel and playwright, director, author and presenter of television projects, theater and film actress Katarina Sinchillo at the request of the audience after the television project “Thirty Solar Poetries”.

The theater’s repertoire consists of many productions, here are some of them: “K” by Katarina Sinchillo, “The Seagull” by A. Chekhov, “Johanna, Husov’s Woman” by Lesya Ukrainka, “The Jewish Clock” by Sergei Kiselev and Andrei Rushkovsky, “Dog in the Manger” by Lope de Vega (translation by M. Lozinsky), “Nameless Star” by Mikhail Sebastian.

Where is the classic art alternative theater located?

Yaroslavov Val, 7
(044) 247-48-10, 543-18-13