Monument to the toad

In 2010, the famous Ukrainian sculptor Oleg Pinchuk presented Kiev with a bronze piggy bank toad, the creation of which cost $180,000. The monument to the toad turned out to be huge both in weight and size: it occupies 4 meters square and weighs 6 tons. The sculptor asked the Kiev authorities to erect a monument to the toad at the cult site of the 1980s, which was located in Kreschaty Park below archs of Friendship of Peoples – the dance floor “Zhaba”, where Kiev “dudes” gathered. But in the end, the art object was placed near the Water Museum.

– A toad made of bronze will not suffer the fate of Lenin or Petrovsky. It will stand for centuries as a symbol of success, money, wealth and prosperity of Kyiv, Oleg Pinchuk said at the opening of the monument.
The bronze toad immediately acquired its own sign: if you throw a coin inside the sculpture and rub its tongue, then luck will smile at you in the near future and you will be happy. According to rumors, a special coin acceptor bucket is built into the monument, which can accept millions of coins. When he can no longer accept coins, a mechanism will work that will open the bucket and all this wealth will fall at the feet of the one who last threw a coin at the toad. And the toad is able to “come to life” and “spit” water. Pinchuk made a reservoir inside the sculpture to collect rainwater, and when it is filled to capacity, the water begins to spurt out of the toad’s mouth.

Where is the monument to the toad located?