Monument to Yaroslav the Wise

The monument to the great Kyiv prince of the first half of the 11th century, Yaroslav the Wise, is located in the park near Golden Gate. The prince holds in his hands a model of St. Sophia Cathedral, and his gaze is turned to the direction where the cathedral was built. The monument was recreated based on a small easel composition “Yaroslav the Wise with a model of Sophia of Kyiv” created in 1949 by sculptor Ivan Kavaleridze, after the death of the author. Sculptors Nikolai Bilyk, Alexey Redko, Vitaly Sivko took part in the work on the monument (monument Princess Olga, monument to Panikovsky, monument to Chasing Two Hares, monument to Leonid Bykov, Monument to Gorodetsky) and architects Ruslan Kukharenko, Yuri Lositsky. In 1997, the monument was unveiled in Zolotovorotsky Square on the Day of Kyiv. A copy of the monument, smaller in size, is installed on Andreevsky Spusk in the park next to house No. 21, which houses Museum-workshop of Ivan Kavaleridze.

The reign of Yaroslav the Wise, son of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, was a period of heyday for Kievan Rus, including cultural prosperity. At this time, the center of Kyiv turned into a majestic and fortified city, which had no equal in the country. The main entrance to it was the Golden Gate, and the St. Sophia Cathedral, founded here by Yaroslav, became the center of political, social and spiritual life.

Where is the monument to Yaroslav the Wise located?